be subject to和be subjected to_be subject to

来源:互联网 发布时间:2023-04-28 22:48:42

1、be subject to和be subjected to的区别:be subject to中的subject是形容词,意思很多:易受某事(尤指坏事)影响;易患……All flights are subject to delay.所有航班都可能延误。

2、All prices are subject to change without prior notice.所有价格如有变动,恕不另行通知。

3、2、取决于某事;视某事而定The funding is subject to approval by the Board of Education. 拨款有待教育部委员会批准。


4、3、更多:be subject to a rule/law/penalty/tax etc须遵守规则/须遵守法令/须缴纳罚款/须缴纳税款 等【注意】be subject to比较正式,所以通常我们不会对小孩说:You may eat ice cream, subject to completion of your homework. 而只会说:You may eat ice cream if you finish your homework。

5、be subjected to中subject是动词,这个短语其实是动词短语subject to的被动式。

6、subject to:使经受;使遭受;使服从,常用以描述令人不快的经历。

7、Police subjected him to hours of questioning.警方对他进行了数小时的盘问。

8、变成被动语态则是:He was subjected to hours of questions.他被盘问数小时/他受到了数小时的盘问。

9、再如以下的新闻:The two women (who are suing after they were subjected to a humiliating and invasive cavity search on a Texas roadside on Memorial Day last year) have spoken out about their ordeal.这两名遭受了羞辱性搜身的女性……be subjected to和be subject to有时也可以替换。

10、曼彻斯特机场:From May 2013 passengers travelling on flights to UK destinations from Terminal 3 at Manchester Airport will be subject to enhanced security measures.美联航的网站:The bag with its contents must be subjected to inspection separate from carry-on bags.Customers may be subjected to a secondary screening if entering the screening checkpoint with liquids, gels and/or aerosols.澳洲和新西兰一些机场:All departing passengers are subject to security screening prior to boarding aircraft.再如下面这道题中:The job applicants are subject/subjected to a high level of subject to和be subjcted to都可以用,两者的细微差别是:be subject to指”面试者必须(MUST)经过详细审核“,subject的形容词特性更多是描述一种条件或状态;而用be subjected to强调求职者是集中面试、背景调查以及评估的”直接承受者“(或带有HAVE TO的感觉),subject的动词特性更多是强调动作。


12、be subject to中更多是描述一种规定、条件、情形、状况;而描述”不情愿、被迫的经历“更常用be subjected to的结构。



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